Friday, January 26, 2007

Not My Bag, Baby

Not My Bag, Baby
An interesting analogy by Tim F @ Balloon Juice rgdg War, Executive Branch and the Republican Controlled Congress. He compares it with a Scenario in Free market.
What baffles me is that once the GOP owned the war lock, stock and barrel, someone (say, Pat Roberts) thought it would be a good idea to kill off the faintest hints of oversight. In free market terms that’s the same as a business sinking its resources and reputation into a project and then taking off to Maui for a few months while the contractor does his thing unsupervised. That suggests an awful lot of confidence in the “contractor.” It suggests that Republicans considered their leader practically infallible, incapable of the quotidian failures that characterize ordinary humans, not unlike the leader cult barbs (Dear Leader etc) half-jokingly brought up by lefties like me. After all, assuming that the GOP Congress were rational beings with some vestigial interest in their political future, what other explanation makes any sense?

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